本研究首次发现并详细阐述了PML小体固有成分Sp100 (Speckled protein 100, Sp100)的一种主要异构体Sp100A在细胞质内响应I型干扰素的过程。 研究显
了解更多SP100 is a gene that encodes a subnuclear organelle and major component of the PML (promyelocytic leukemia)-SP100 nuclear bodies. It binds
了解更多关于 SP100. Cytogenetic location: 2q37.1 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 2:230,416,201-230,545,606 (from NCBI) This gene has 19 transcripts (splice variants), 252 orthologues
了解更多Abstract: Sp100 (Speckled protein 100 kDa) is a constituent component of nuclear structure PML (promyelocytic leukemia) bodies, playing important roles in mediating intrinsic and innate
了解更多SP100 nuclear antigen, belongs to the nuclear bodies(NBs), has a role in the control of gene expression. It contains a HSR domain, which is important for the nuclear body targeting as well as for
了解更多SP100 Antibodies. Antibodies that detect SP100 can be used in several scientific applications, including Western Blot, Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry,
了解更多For the GFP validation the signal overlap between the antibody staining and the GFP-tagged protein is evaluated. For the independent antibodies validation the evaluation is based on
了解更多Abstract. Nuclear domain 10 (ND10) bodies are small (0.1–1 μM) nuclear structures containing both constant [e.g., promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML), SP100, death domain-associated protein (Daxx)] and variable
了解更多标普100指数 (.SP100) 13:28. 道琼斯通讯社9月3日消息,标普道琼斯指数公司当地时间周五表示,芯片制造商Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)将从9月19日起取代杜邦公司入选标普100指数。. 标普道琼斯指数公司表示:“杜邦不再代表巨型股市场,其将继续留在标
了解更多6、SP100-AS1与ATG3 相互作用并调节其蛋白稳定性 通过质谱鉴定和pull-down找到了一个可以与SP100-AS1特异性结合的蛋白ATG3(图6)。有研究表明蛋白质的稳定性会受到泛素化依赖的蛋白酶体
了解更多WB analysis of Jurkat using 11377-1-AP. Jurkat cells were subjected to SDS PAGE followed by western blot with 11377-1-AP (SP100 antibody) at dilution of 1:400 incubated at room temperature for 1.5 hours. Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded human ovary tumor using 11377-1-AP (SP100 antibody) at dilution of 1:50
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了解更多Sp100-B is expressed only in spleen, tonsil, thymus, mature B-cell line and some T-cell line, but not in brain, liver, muscle or non-lymphoid cell lines. 序列相似性 Contains 2 HMG box DNA-binding domains.
了解更多2021年12月,《原发性胆汁性胆管炎的诊断和治疗指南(2021版)》重磅发布。. 指南从流行病学概况、诊断、治疗、并发症处理、特殊人群应对及预后等方面给出了26条推荐意见,极大地规范了原发性胆汁性胆管炎(PBC)的临床诊治。. 近日,在“2022年
了解更多核多点型称主要包括两种核蛋白抗原抗体,抗SP100抗体是其中一种抗体,该抗体的靶抗原为可溶性酸性磷酸化核蛋白SP100,其分子量为100 kD。 核膜型称为抗核包膜蛋白抗体,其抗原为核孔膜糖蛋白GP210,该蛋白的分子量为210 kD。
了解更多PBC诊治过程存在难点,在典型PBC诊断时,即特异性自身抗体 (AMA、AMA-M2、抗gp210抗体、抗sp100抗体)阳性者结合胆汁淤积生化指标异常者,肝组织病理学检查并非诊断所必需. 原发性胆汁性胆管炎 (PBC)是一种慢性非感染性的胆汁淤积性自身免疫性肝病,可能与遗传及
了解更多型抗sp100 抗体的特性、临床意义和相关作用研究进行综述。1 抗sp100抗体的产生和在PBC中作用机制研究 1.1 细菌感染在抗sp100 抗体产生中的作用 目前认为细 菌感染是PBC致病的重要诱因之一。大范围的流行病学调 查研究显示,与其他慢性肝病或
了解更多首测成功!. SP100打印纯铜-铜合金. AmProInnovations 倍丰科技. 苏州倍丰(AmPrO)是由吴鑫华院士一手创立,下设两个子公司(苏州三峰、澳洲AMPRO)。. 由她率领的研发团队是全球最早一批进行3D
了解更多2022年4月,苏州倍丰通过SP100金属3D打印机针对铜合金&纯铜材料打印有了突破性进展,纯铜试样在SP100 上获得圆满成功。纯铜件主要由于是高反射率材料,打印相对较难,因为入射的激光能量不能被很好的吸收。市面上多数打印设备都是采用绿激光
了解更多目的: 克隆人核点蛋白自身抗原Sp100基因, 构建重组表达质粒, 获得具有免疫学活性的纯化重组蛋白. 方法: 从人类肝脏cDNA文库中扩增出Sp100的基因片段, 克隆至PEGH表达载体进行诱导表达, 并对表达产物进行十二烷基磺酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)和蛋白质印迹法(Western blot)鉴定.
了解更多Seer公司主要聚焦蛋白质芯片分析,所提供的解决方案名为Proteograph,号称是业内第一个商业可用的解决方案,提供对蛋白质组的无偏见、深度、快速和大规模访问的组合。. Proteograph由硬件设备(SP100)、基于纳米颗粒的试剂、质谱分析组成。. 其中,Seer的核心
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了解更多SP100 space reactor design 325 The generic 100 kWe SP100 was the program's primary design until the early 1990s, when demise of the SDIO lead to greater dependence on NASA missions. To expedite deployment in the face of possible program cancellation, a design with less severe requirements such as reduced lifetime and
了解更多SP100. The antibodies are designated mAB for monoclonal and pAb for polyclonal. The release of the Human Protein Atlas in which the antibody was first published. References to publications in which the antibody has been used. All
了解更多线粒体抗原和Sp100抗原的分子模拟现象中还包括细菌抗原,反复尿路感染而无肝病的女性患者可同时表达AMA和anti-Sp100,且存在反复尿路感染的PBC患者中anti-Sp100检出率远远高于无反复尿路感染患者(74% vs 5%)。 2.2 抗gp210抗
了解更多1.1送电前.HLP-SP100系列HLP-SP100系列使用说明书送电中绝不可插拔变频器上的任何连接器(操作面板除外),以避免变频器损坏并造成人员伤亡。. 送电前请盖好面盖,以防触电,造成人身伤害。. 1.2送电中1.3运转中请不要把变频器安装在含有爆炸性气体的环境里
了解更多The speckled protein (SP) family of chromatin ‘readers’ in humans comprises SP100, SP110, SP140, and SP140L. The mouse SP family comprises Sp100, Sp110, and Sp140 and is only ~45% homologous to human SPs at the amino acid level, necessitating both mouse and human studies of SPs. SPs are highly expressed in innate
了解更多理光Ricoh Aficio SP 100 驱动. 驱动类别: 理光打印机驱动下载. 驱动大小: 3.3 MB. 程序语言: 简体中文. 收录日期: . 制作发行: 理光. 售后支持: 激光打印机驱动. 驱动授权: 免 费 版.
了解更多3单体3音、低音反射式设计,而且,诚如其名,真是一派经典。事实上,它就是经典。打从1989年Spendor推出S100之后,接着在94年推出SP100的改款,继之以SP100R2,而,Classic 100则是2017年才推出的最新版本。 单看照片,实在看不
了解更多S&P 100 Today: Get all information on the S&P 100 Index including historical chart, news and constituents.
了解更多Sp100-B is expressed only in spleen, tonsil, thymus, mature B-cell line and some T-cell line, but not in brain, liver, muscle or non-lymphoid cell lines. Induction Up-regulated by interferon, retinoic acid, TNF-alpha/TNFA and lipopolysaccharide (at
了解更多This gene encodes a subnuclear organelle and major component of the PML (promyelocytic leukemia)-SP100 nuclear bodies. PML and SP100 are covalently modified by the SUMO-1 modifier, which is considered crucial to nuclear body interactions. The encoded protein binds heterochromatin proteins and is thought to play a role in